Taking spontaneous pictures of friends and relatives produces natural and pleasing results. The appeal may come from seeing them in an unexpected situation, pulling a face, or seeing something that makes their hair stand on end. But often when taking a special portrait a little extra is required. A girlfriend, wife or daughter may be seen as an attractive person, but will the camera see her in the same way?
It is almost common knowledge these days that often what is needed is suitable make-up. The subject may already wear make-up, but often this is inappropriate for photographic purposes. Professional photographers taking fashion and beauty pictures work with make-up artists and hair stylists. These highly trained people have spent years perfecting their craft and they can literally transform a model to give any required look.
Make Up
However, obviously this is the top end of the market, and no amateur would be expected to know or hire such experts. But it is worthwhile studying fashion magazines to get an idea of current looks, so that these can be discussed with the subject so that there is a good chance of getting the required effect.
You have to pay attention to detail. Even with the simplest make-up the shot can be ruined by a stray hair or crooked parting. Also make-up can be too reflective and cause unattractive highlights.
Men also need to take care with grooming. Messy hair and grubby fingernails are hardly the way to enhance a portrait, especially when going in close.
Taking Pictures of Model Make-Up
Willis J. Watson is a freelance writer since 2006, living in United States and he writes about his great passion...digital photography for about 4 years. If you are interested in some Digital Photography Classes, wait no more and click the link.
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